Saturday, November 6, 2010


fool me once, shame on you.
my dermatologist told me back in october that i had symptoms of pre-cancer on my face and nose. awesome news, as i was also recently deported from europe at the time.
i did what she suggested and covered my face in the sun, used this potent cream daily, and tried to avoid that pesky old sun as much as possible. tough, as my job entails filming when the light is nice. i.e. mid day.
anyway, enough about me, let's talk about you.
i wanted to warm you about what recent findings have been brought to my attention:
... and what doesn't these days, right?
well apparently, a chemical used in the paper/ink mixture has been known to be harmful since the dinosaur era (not really, but can you imagine a tyrannesaurus rex getting a receipt?) has recently been found to be cancer-causing and also should not be handled if pregnant or elderly.
long story short... fool me twice, shame on me.
so long, receipts! you were pests anyway!

1 comment:

Jeff Owens said...

Liz told me about this a couple of months back. Seriously shitty news.