Tuesday, January 5, 2010


tersa took a pic of me warmin' up the ol' absinthe
stella's buttox
stella is a dog.
winkle warms up the new step-up ledge at macba. funny thing is that they built this to keep people from skating this part.
hubba hubba.
tersa and adam on top of the park guel
told ya
waiting for bruno and adrian
adrian ollies a new gap that he found
christmas dinner at wink's
jussi2 throws up a weird hand as satu tries not to pass out.
up-sie daisy!
governor and dalliban
anna and a demon
dally warms up with a nose skidder
simo warms it up with a smithers.
simo tailslides the three ledge.
finnish army
kook army, heh heh...
simo warms up the new silver rail
simo jams over a bikerack
simo frontside flip the snowboard jump
simo and the homie
anna and i went to a gallery, and came back with a kimono. i guess that's why they give out free beer?

went out to eat at princessa 23 before anna rolls off to finland for the holidays.
sami perps a new spot
jussi fs 180's the new spot
and then kickflops it
bruno with a photogenic ollie over the water
bruno kickflip fakie. this guy's from argentina, just moved here, as he's recently gotten his italian citizenship, thus eu passport.
pirkka fs pivot
new spot. jesse2 fs wallride
sami kf into new ditch
winkle's been super multitasker as of late
pirkka kf over the netting
jussi fakie fs flip. ph: bram
my mom just finished a quilt that she's been working on for daaaaaaaaaays! three piece, bangin!

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