Friday, November 28, 2008

not a yacht...a BOAT!

spent the last five days in portland for the holidays.  good times were had, and our boat didn't sink into the freezing waters.  shown here is the dock.
port 99.  in case you wanna steal our boat.
yep...depth finder and gps.  high tech.
a la directio de mt. hood
houses floating away.
symmetry, for brudderman.
more floaters.
papa bear and his boat.
a buoy huckin' itsself through the air.
mt. hood again, lurkin around.
sunshine comes softly through the bridge.  ooh la la.
you can't tell here, but the water was smashing the boat up against the dock, thought we might lose 'er.
a true sailor.  hey hey heeeeeeeeeey!

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