Monday, May 10, 2010


i cruised out to the los angeles area with my buddy, cab, who's photos i am now stealing.
i'd forgotten my camera in our ride's car and didn't see them throughout the weekend.
here's me in a car, on the way out.
went to the cherry park spot. didn't skate at all the first day. just heckled levi (r).
levi and alma had a bbq for us. it was awesome. i ate about ten times as much as the rest of the folks.
then we played some loteria.
went to the blueprint premier to heckle marty and the boys from the u.k.
here's a photo from the after party, where they had free pizza and whiskey.
steve and i decided not to end after the party and bounced around long beach with a box of beers.
had to go. thanks for the block, leaver's truck!
cab the "i only had two alllll night loooooong!" beer thievesman.

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