Tuesday, February 2, 2010

post b'day etc.

so we had a crapload of balloons sitting around the house all weekend, as part of the birthday party aftermath, and didn't know what to do with them. so we did what any logical person would do... throw them off the roof.

pirkka just happened to be cruising by and surfed under the rain of colors.

these people were loving it.
and meri happened to be strutting along, as well. so was luypa, but i was too caught up with photos to snap one of him.
meri kicked a few before they started to pour into the street and explode.
and then i went skating with adrian. oh, yeah, for those who didn't hear... i've come out of retirement, and after six years (more or less), i've began working again. this time it's for dc shoes international. anyway, adrian focused his first skateboard ever today in a fit of rage.

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