Tuesday, June 23, 2009


for errybody's information, i've stolen the following text and pics from google.
let it be known.
thus, any grammatical errors, etc. can be blamed on the illiterate, non-journalist-majors of tha world.
muahahahahahahha...saint john, you are a party MANIMAL!

The night of 23 June is the eve of Sant Joan, or, as it is appropriately nick-named: "La noche de fuego" – the night of fire. This fiesta celebrates the Summer Solstice, the shortest night of the year. Centuries ago it was forbidden for the Christian world to celebrate such a night of magic, superstition, witches and devils. But the Catalans cleverly got around the prohibition by celebrating the Solstice on Sant Joan which is a Christian Saint´s day and falls conveniently close to the longest day /shortest night – any excuse for a party!

On 23 June "Verbenas" or all night summer parties will be taking place on the beaches, in the parks, in gardens, and just about everywhere. At these parties "petardos" or very loud fireworks that bang and spark and sound like someone has just been shot are let off – especially by the older children. Firework displays play a prominent role and bonfires are lit to party around. The wide eyed younger children twirl sparklers (hand held sparkling sticks). Everyone eats "Coca de Sant Joan" which is a large rectangular shaped sponge cake with sliced glacĂ© fruits on the top (cherries, orange and bright green melon slices) and drinks lots of cava. The noise is loud – even by Spanish standards! The dress code is "skimpy casual" – due to the heat!

Many Catalans believe that if you paddle in the sea at midnight on the night of Sant Joan then you will surely find true love within the year! Whatever they believe many a Sant Joan party goer ends up taking a dip whether it be in the sea or in the piscina (swimming pool) so it may be a good idea to pack the bikini - or whatever- in the handbag just in case!

The bakeries will be full of Coca and you will see stalls selling "Focs Artificials" (fireworks) and the famous "petardos" (fire crackers) along the road side and in various strategic points around Barcelona and the surrounding areas.

Around Barcelona there will numerous "correfocs o diables". People dressed as devils run through the city streets with flaming torches and banging loud drums, while the crowds cheer and try to avoid the sparks burning their clothes and hair.

...fire it up.

be it as the "shortest night of the year", i have a strong feeling that i shall sleep like a baby tonight. good looks to cheap whisk. and the ever-so-relaxing flamenco band playing beneath me on this night.

it sounds like a war-zone out there.
...and i hate mosquitos.
god save the queen.

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